Ideal Tridon Group Blog.

Employee Spotlight: Bethany Cripps

Today's employee spotlight is on Bethany Cripps, Production Scheduler for Ideal Tridon.

Bethany Cripps - Production Scheduler, Ideal Tridon

INTERESTING FACT: Bethany has hearing loss in her right ear. 

HER HOBBIES: Riding motorcycles, tinkering with old cars, camping, riding four wheelers, anything outdoorsy

FAVORITE SPORTS TEAM: Vandy Commodores Baseball!

To plan, schedule, and control inventory while meeting customer demand at the lowest possible cost is a job well-suited for Bethany Cripps. She says the largest challenge she's faced in her 5-year tenure at Ideal Tridon is balancing the lack of resources such as raw steel, packing materials, and plant staff with the ever-increasing demand.

Meeting challenges head-on is normal for Bethany as she attended 13 different schools before her high school graduation. Naturally, when you ask her about the most fun part of her job, she will say, “the daily challenge.” When she is not at work, Bethany enjoys the outdoors, watching Vandy Baseball, and her current project, a 1979 El Camino.

Bethany has three rules for her life, which she taught her children:

  • Never give up.
  • Always be better than what people expect from you.
  • Always be willing to face the consequences of your actions.

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